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QuestionQuestion 12

When Wheatstone Bridge is balanced, then no current flows through the galvanometer, why?


No, current flows in balanced Wheatstone bridge because:
According to circuit diagram when bridge is balanced the potential at point B is equal to potential at point D. 
Hence two points are at same potential
		VB = VD
Potential difference across galvanometer is zero
                       V =VB – VD = 0
According to ohm’s Law current through galvanometer
		Ig = V / Rg
		Ig = 0 / Rg = 0
Therefore no current flows through the galvanometer and 
it shows zero deflection.
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Physics XII (FBISE)


Chapter 3: Electromagnetism

Chapter 4: Electromagnetic induction

Chapter 5: Alternating Current

Chapter 6: Physics of Solids

Chapter 7: Electronics

Chapter 8: Dawn Of the Modern Physics

Chapter 9: Atomic Spectra

Chapter 10: Nuclear Physics


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