QuestionQuestion 5

What is the difference between an e.m.f. and a P.D.?


There are following differences

Electromotive Force (E.M.F)
  • The difference in the potential of two electrodes of a battery.
  • E.M.F is always greater than the potential difference between any points in the circuit.
  • Formula: E = I(R + r)
  • This is caused by the electric, gravitational and magnetic fields.
  • The electromotive force is the amount of energy given to each coulomb of charge.
  • Potential Difference
  • Difference of potential between any two points on the circuit.
  • This is always less than the E.M.F
  • Formula: V = IR
  • This difference is only produced by the electric field.
  • The potential difference is the amount of energy utilized by one coulomb of charge.
  • Physics XII (FBISE)


    Chapter 3: Electromagnetism

    Chapter 4: Electromagnetic induction

    Chapter 5: Alternating Current

    Chapter 6: Physics of Solids

    Chapter 7: Electronics

    Chapter 8: Dawn Of the Modern Physics

    Chapter 9: Atomic Spectra

    Chapter 10: Nuclear Physics


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